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Thursday 18 October 2012

Nokia updates City Lens for Nokia Lumia 920 and 820

                  The Nokia Company has just updated one of its star applications: Nokia City Lens. Its version is and is valid for phones equipped with Windows Phone 7.5 and reaches new devices running Windows Phone 8. This means that all smart phones are ready to upgrade or install this application to enjoy all the benefits of the new service. The devices are: Nokia Lumia 900, Nokia Lumia 800, Nokia Lumia 710, Nokia Lumia 610, Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820. The application works on a layer of augmented reality, marking the sites that are on every street or town square we choose: restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, theaters, etc..

                   The truth is that the company has not bothered to indicate what kind of parameters, functions and features have been modified, renewed or upgraded, and so the application has to be seriously explored to figure out the concept. But all suggests that the improvement has been forged globally, with interesting changes in the performance section for new users of phones like the Nokia Lumia 920 and Nokia Lumia 820 can enjoy more of this augmented reality app .

                       If not used, then know that Nokia Urban View is an application that works through the camera of the device Lumia. Now only accessing to this tool is available for users having phone equipped with Windows Phone, and that the mass market will be launched from next November. To use this application just place the phone in the position as like taking a photo. The device, almost immediately, detect where in are located the best shops, restaurants, hotels, libraries and other points of interest.
                          Tourists gain more advantages with this and also it is practically helpful in our day to day life. The main advantage is that the product does not stop just by locating the landmarks, it also offers the ability to interact with the site by clicking on the button which will lead to a direct call (to reserve room, table or just have questions), see their schedules and get other indications interest that have been inserted into the database.

                          In practical part, dealing with features like the ability to save data on a place to watch later or the option to share the site with friends, to see how to access maps and to obtain all the information about present positioning and street names that lead to the place in question, or where to go back now.

                         If downloading the application and installation is possible in phone means and have the opportunity to do so, since the update has already been included in the Marketplace, flea market applications for Windows Phone. Note that the application is only available for Nokia Lumia phones equipped with this platform. 

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